Difference Between MongoDB and Mongoose: Synopsis

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Just like any other comparison guide, this one on the difference between MongoDB vs Mongoose begins with a crisp synopsis.


MongoDB is a document-oriented database management system that stores data in the form of BSON documents. It is a NoSQL also known as a Not-only SQL type database allowing users to store gigantic amounts of data. Unlike SQL databases where data is stored in the form of tables, a NoSQL database stores data efficiently as documents inside collections.

The MongoDB database management service is developed and managed by MongoDB Inc. It was first launched in the February of 2009 and is currently managed under SSPL (Server-Side Public License).

MongoDB is recognized by developers worldwide not only because of the efficiency and smoothness it provides when handling data, but also because of its driver support for popular languages like Nodejs, PHP, Java, Go, .Net, C, C++, Python, Ruby Scala, C#, Perl, Swift, Motor, and Mongoid.

Top firms like Facebook, Google, Adobe, Nokia, and many others have chosen MongoDB as their DBMS.


Mongoose is an ODM or Object Document Mapper. It is also referred to as an Object Modelling Tool. It is built on top of the MongoDB driver for MongoDB and Node.js. It helps developers to model their data, define the schema for documents inside a collection, and manage relationships between data.

Mongoose allows users to conveniently create and manage data in MongoDB. While it is possible to manage data, define schemas, etc. using MongoDB APIs, it is quite difficult to do so. Hence, Mongoose has made lives easier.

However, if our collection holds an unpredictable schema for the documents, MongoDB driver is then the simplest option to choose.

Now that we have seen quite a decent synopsis of the difference between MongoDB and Mongoose, let us understand what they do at their core. To do this, we will need to understand what a database management system is to understand MongoDB, and what an Object Document Mapper (ODM) is for Mongoose.

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