Handling asynchronous data with promises or async/await

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Asynchronous data is a common feature of modern web applications. Whether you’re making API requests, retrieving data from a database, or performing other asynchronous operations, it’s important to handle these operations in a way that doesn’t block the user interface. In this article, we’ll explore two popular ways of handling asynchronous data in JavaScript: promises and async/await.


Promises are a powerful tool for handling asynchronous data in JavaScript. They provide a simple way to handle both successful and unsuccessful responses from an asynchronous operation. Here’s an example of how to use a promise to retrieve data from an API:

  .then(response => {
    if (response.ok) {
      return response.json();
    } else {
      throw new Error('Error retrieving data from API');
  .then(data => {
  .catch(error => {

In this example, we’re using the fetch function to retrieve data from an API. We’re then using the then method to handle the response from the API. If the response is successful, we convert it to JSON format and log it to the console. If there is an error, we throw an error and catch it with the catch method.


Async/await is a newer feature in JavaScript that makes it easier to handle asynchronous data. It’s built on top of promises and provides a more synchronous way of writing asynchronous code. Here’s an example of how to use async/await to retrieve data from an API:

async function getData() {
  try {
    const response = await fetch('https://api.example.com/data');
    if (response.ok) {
      const data = await response.json();
    } else {
      throw new Error('Error retrieving data from API');
  } catch (error) {


In this example, we’re using the async keyword to define an asynchronous function called getData. We’re then using the await keyword to wait for the response from the API. If the response is successful, we convert it to JSON format and log it to the console. If there is an error, we throw an error and catch it with a try/catch block.


Promises and async/await are both powerful tools for handling asynchronous data in JavaScript. Promises are a more established technology and provide a wider range of features, but async/await provides a more intuitive and synchronous way of writing asynchronous code. Depending on your specific needs and project requirements, you can choose the approach that works best for you.

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